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Fibre Artist

Siân Boucherd

Born in 1983 in the wheatbelt town of Northam, Siân Boucherd earned her Advanced Diploma of Art and Design at Central TAFE, before attending Edith Cowan University.

Following the completion of her Bachelor of Arts in 2007, Boucherd moved to London where she was recipient of a bursary placement and mentorship with Sandra Drew, Director of Land Art organisation Stour Valley Art. During her 2.5 years within the curatorial team at SVA Boucherd helped develop and deliver projects site-specifically within the ancient woodlands of Kent, as well as in gallery contexts. During this period she also worked for online journal AQNB as Arts writer; publishing arts reviews and interviews weekly for her last 9 months in the UK.

A return to Australia in 2012 saw her return to the studio. Her interest in the natural environment manifested in her woven works. Through the use of natural fibres such as sisal, jute and wool Boucherd creates meticulously hand crafted vessels and wearable pieces by way of various basketry techniques

Currently making Fremantle home, Boucherd takes her cues from nature’s architecture; formations such as pods, nests, cocoons and the unique striations that make up WA’s ancient geology. 

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Images courtesy of Siân Boucherd. Photography by Yvonne Doherty.

visit FOUND at Fremantle Arts Centre

Open 9am–5pm, 7 days


1 Finnerty Street
Western Australia