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2024 Revealed Exhibition: New and Emerging WA Aboriginal Artists

Selinda Davidson

Art centre


1994, Mpartwe/Alice Springs

Lives and works


Selinda was born in October 1994 in Alice Springs where she went to primary school. As a teenager she moved to Irruntyju and then Pipalyatjara. After Selinda finished school, she became a member of Ninuku Arts Centre painting regularly as well as serving as an arts worker. Selinda enjoys making design (walka) inspired traditional mark making and tjukurpa. Selinda worked alongside her grandparents Jimmy Donagan and Molly Miller at Ninuku Arts and has learnt from them how to paint tjukurpa and translate story into her design. Her family’s country is in Warburton, WA and she speaks both Pitjantjatjara and English.

visit FOUND at Fremantle Arts Centre

Open 9am–5pm, 7 days


1 Finnerty Street
Western Australia