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2023 Revealed Exhibition: New and Emerging WA Aboriginal Artists

Eileen Joomena Bray

Art centre


Near Alice Downs Station

Lives and works

Warmun Community

This painting is about Joomena’s Ngaginyji Joomooloony, her boab tree. “The boab tree we are born under becomes our special tree for life; this one is Ngaginyji Joomooloony, which means ‘My Boabtree'”. Eileen Bray Joomena was born on the side of a dusty highway along the road from Alice Downs Station. The family had ventured out on a fishing trip when Eileen’s mum went into labour and was “laid down, with her sisters in law”, under a big boab tree and gave birth. The women stayed there, under this boab for a week as is customary, until all were ready to go back to camp.

visit FOUND at Fremantle Arts Centre

Open 9am–5pm, 7 days


1 Finnerty Street
Western Australia