Wati kutjara - The goanna men
Acrylic on cotton canvas
1968, Warburton
Blackstone, Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku
Wati Kutjarra Delma now lives in Watinuma with her family, husband and a boy and girl. Married in 1993 is when she moved to be with her husband. She works for Kaltjiti Art Centre in Fregon as an arts worker and has been there for over six years. Born in Warburton and moving to Blackstone with the Forbes family when she was three. They lived with no water in a Whiltja, walking to Yankal to get water daily. They had two dogs Rebel and Cindy who went everywhere with them. Delma’s oldest sister was away working in Hounslow, and would send clothes and money to help the family. She also sent Rebel and Cindy the dogs. Delma paints the Wati Kutara story of the two brothers travelling and coming back home